5 Best selling games last month
The original super Mario brothers was a huge hit for intend which single handlely change the direction of the gaming industry. The 2d side scrolling plat former sold 40 million copies for Nintendo entertainment system. It’s often called one of the best game ever made. The Mario franchise have been the bestselling gaming business of all time.
Call of duty was one of the persuasive gaming series for recent years, it has completely changed and rehabilitated the style of the first person shooting genre in a most effective way. The modern war fare brand in particular was high point popularity for call duty, Hence why modern warfare 3 has shipped 26.4 million copies in every continent. More over every other recent entry in the series has sold over 15 million units making one of the most profitable franchises so far ever in the history of shooting games.
Wii play is one of series games intended to show the competences of Nintendo wii’s motion controls whereas other related games were boxed with the wii. Wii play was a outstanding title that had its own unique way that has focused on more general minigames. Clearly the consul’s gimmick was unbelievably popular as wii play sold 20 million copies all over the world.
(3) DIABLO 2

Diablo 2 is one of the biggest attractive rpg’s released in 2000, which is the main reason why the Diablo was so anticipated when it was released almost a decade later. The console ports to ps3 and xbox 360 definitely help the Fiablo 2 for a explosive popularity and sell in bundles. That’s way it tends to publish pc games exclusively. To sum up the elbow 3 sold an impressive amount of 30 million copies.

Given the interest to play and love that most gamers have for classic Mario games. It’s no surprise that Nintendo’s returned from 2 side-scroller to 3ds edition was enormously successful. The 3ds edition sold 30 million copies within very short period of time.You can never discount the power of Mario is an impressive gaming brand. General Speaking Mario kart has been one of the most claimed in popular racing games ever released. Will’s overwhelming success and family marker means that Mario kart wii was guaranteed to be a best seller. Mario and friends sold a whopping 36 million copies all over the world.

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