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PlayStation VR review

PlayStation VR headset has become the most mass-marketed appeal. Also, it is cheaper and affordable.
This coast around 400 dollars which are the cheapest solution.
When u buying the course set you will be getting VR headset, camera, move controller, and demo disc,
When comparing to other VR headsets in the market this one is actually comfier, the reason is there incredible design, it suits head properly without feeling like heavy or bulky. This seems perfect and easy to wear with pain-free.
The other VR headset have straps and they gonna be too tight around your head but this one doesn't have any straps instead of that it has a very comfy cushion which makes so relaxed to head.
 But the main drawback of this headset is it has a lower resolution and lower frame field of 100, but other ones have 110. The graphic ability of this headset is not powerful than others.
What makes special in PlayStation VR head set is that this thing makes it more social experience cause you are using this thing on your television.

Other headsets open in a small little window feels like antisocial and nobody can’t see what is happening inside. Not even anybody can judge  how well you playing the game. But in PlayStation VR, anybody can see how u performing the game, they can easily come to a conclusion about you how experience you are in that particular game.

By the way this playstation VR has more parts like process box, video camera and it has mess of wires that makes it little bit hard to set up. But you can use your zip tie and place everting in proper order.

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