battle field 1 game play

battlefield 1 is the most resent released of battlefield game series. it is a fist person shooting game developed by EZ dice. this game is base on word war ii . there are five war stories each shown through the eyes of separate allied soldiers from different regions of the world. in addition those are real places during world war ii where brutal battles are took placed.
Below i have mentioned the 5 war stories this game included. however i played only 3 war stories. in conclusion i could say those are pretty cool war scenarios that you can enjoy. My most favorite one is the FRIEND IN HIGH which is to fly a fighter aircraft and drop bombs and attack targets and shoot down them.
check out my recording
"Storm of Steel" – the prologue of the game which is set in France through the eyes of several Harlem Hellfighters,
"Through Mud and Blood" – set in France though the eyes of a British tank driver,
"Friends in High Places" – France and the UK as a Royal Flying Corps fighter pilot,
"Avanti Savoia" – Italy as a mournful survivor and member of the Arditi,
"The Runner" – the Gallipoli Peninsula (the European half of Turkey) through an ANZAC runner,
"Nothing is Written" – set in Mesopotamia through the eyes of a Bedouin warrior under the command of Lawrence of Arabia

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